
Ivo is Hallo Mister's 2nd bass player and the only band member to have a "sexy" accent. Unfortunately, since his departure we no longer hear women screaming "take off your shirt!" In fact a few of us have tried to remove various clothing articles only to hear women scream "put it back on!" We wish young Ivo the best and we will always look forward to the time when Hallo Mister performs at Ivo's beautiful home town on the Adriatic Sea.
Mark II

Mark II was Hallo Mister's original bass player and body guard. Unfortunately he was called upon to return to the land down under. He sang songs that were in the charts before the rest of the band were born. He had a taste for loud shirts and non-venomous wildlife which is greatly missed. But, above all, the coolest piece of equipment in the band, which he owned - a beer holder that clips to his microphone stand, is even more missed. The band commemorates Mark II's membership in the band by placing a beer near their mikestands during every performance.
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