Sunday, November 30, 2008


Eric works for an humanitarian aid organisation, which makes him the only member of Hallo Mister with a purpose in life. When he's not changing broken strings he plays guitar and sings a few songs as well. Because he has a finance background Eric is good with spreadsheets, so we make him look after all the administrative details that goes with being in a band, such as keeping track of drink orders and working out whose turn it is to pay for the beer at the rehearsal studio. Eric sometimes dons scuba gear to purge his lungs of the Jakarta traffic smog.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Mark bangs stuff with sticks, and in his quest to make more noise than anyone else (or possibly as a tribute to Britney Spears, his favorite artist) insists on wearing a headset microphone. Always the rebel, Mark continues to use chewing tobacco two decades after most sporting organisations banned the practice. Nine out of ten physicians who have studied Mark I's facial expressions while performing recommend that increased dietary fibre intake could be beneficial.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Paul is Hallo Mister's newest band member and the only one who actually misses snow. His career in education has given him an uncanny knack for being right about any given subject and the rest of the band members have slowly learned never to bet anything against him. When he isn't laying down the cool bass lines for Hallo Mister, Paul works as an extra on Indiana Jones movies. A former rugby player, Paul fits into Hallo Mister's culture, or lack of it, perfectly.